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Is Himalayan Pink Salt Really A Better Option?

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

Most people who’ve never experienced cooking with Himalayan salt often ask whether there's really any difference between cooking with Himalayan pink salt and regular sea or table salt.

For starters, Himalayan salt is hand-mined and largely unprocessed. It contains 84 minerals and trace elements including magnesium, calcium, copper, potassiu

m and iron, that have great health benefits including electrolytes balance, proper nutrient absorption, toxins removal, improving the body's pH, normalizing blood pressure, and increasing circulation.

Regular table salt is really composed of many forms of chemicals – sometimes even sugar. This makes such types of salt difficult to digest and can potentially lead to inflammation of the tissues, high blood pressure and bloating.

Himalayan Pink Salt, on the contrary, is much easier for the body to process, requiring far less cellular water in order to neutralize the sodium chloride content in chemically-treated salt.

As for the taste, the Himalayan Pink Salt imparts a subtler flavor than the sharper sea salt – hence perfect for seasoning food with delicate flavor. Aside from cooking and grilling, it’s a great finishing salt, added to dishes right before serving. Added to buttered toast, steamed fish, salads and even movie night popcorn can give you a sense of its flavor and taste. Explore and experiment with this amazing gift of nature. Bon appétit!

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